Monday, May 30, 2011

Cape Cod over Cape Ann? Not Unless You Prefer Traffic Jams

There are many great qualities about Cape Cod, but we here at the Blue Shutters prefer "the other cape" -- Cape Ann. First, there's Good Harbor Beach -- nothing comes close on Cape Cod...or any other part of New England for that matter. Then there's the convenience -- four communities where you can find easily move from the beach to the art gallaries, from the restaurants to nature walks. And finally there's getting here. We just heard a song parody on the radio by local radio personality Tom Doyle that spotlights the long backups getting to and from Cape Cod. Sure, you'll find beachlovers flocking to Cape Ann and Good Harbor Beach this summer, but you won't find the crowds and the traffic. Take a'll chuckle, especially if you've ever made the trip. And it will remind you to shave a few hours off your travels and head right to Good Harbor Beach instead.

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